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Webinar to Improve Financial Wellness

  • 30Days


The relationship between mental health and financial wellness is complex and not often spoken about. In order to fill this gap, Carling Mashinter, a Registered Psychotherapist and Sarah Gage, Founder of Wealth Confidence Coaching, joined forces to help you strengthen your financial and mental health. These tools will help you with: - Building a more effective budget - Improving your ability to save - Breaking the cycle of debt - Supporting you to achieve short and long-term financial goals - Addressing barriers to financial wellness and mental health To register, click on the button below or give us a call at 226-894-4112. Our admin team will be following up with you to finalize payment, and provide access to the webinar. 💲Fee: $45.00 +HST Payment through e-transfer or credit card is accepted.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.



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